Waiheke Cubs New Term April 2019

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cubs image

Hi all

Just a reminder that at our last cubs parents’ meeting, we decided (for now) to keep the same time of 6 – 7.30pm except where an event has a different notified time.

Term 2 2019 program sessions are now loaded onto OSM and you should be able to access it here: https://osm.scouts.org.nz/parents/

Our 1st Cubs session for Term 2 2019, is on Tuesday 30th April and will be at the earlier time of 4pm – because we are going to visit Rangihoua Estate, where we will learn about the olive growing, harvesting and oil making process :0-)

Remember, a “Good Scout” is an organised one!!  For each session, please ensure to bring:

  • Shoes – as we will be walking
  • A snack and water for yourself / your child
  • A hat and a raincoat if it is likely to be inclement weather



You may or may not be aware that we will be starting up KEAS group for kids aged between 5 – 8yrs old.  It starts on Monday 29th April at 4pm.

If you have any younger children who are interested or you know anyone who might be interested, please check the website and get in touch by reply or via the contact form.



Waiheke Sea Scouts Chair and Cubs Leader